Tuesday, July 22, 2014

30th Anniversary of Croatian Canadian Cultural Centre Calgary

30 Year Celebration
On Sunday July 6, approximately 250 people celebrated at the Croatian Canadian Cultural Centre: the occasion was the 30 year anniversary of the opening of the Centre. Present among the guests were Mayor Naheed Nenshi, his office manager, Ms. Franca Gualteri; The Hon. Jason Kenney, and the Croatian Ambassador Veseljko Grubisic. The three dignitaries all gave very spirited messages of congratulations to the Croatian community that had developed and sustained the Centre for 30 years, making it very much a part of the Calgary community.
Dr. Mary Valentich spoke to the meaning of the Centre as a focal point for people of Croatian background and also, a free venue for many non-Croatian groups. She noted the very diverse range of activities people could enjoy in the Centre, especially identifying its importance as a focal point for the preservation of Croatian culture. The latter was very evident in the dazzling display of Croatian artifacts in the Red Room where an open house occurred after the formal program.
The various dance and singing groups of the Croatian Heritage Society performed with enthusiasm, skill and talent, delighting the guests, who appreciated that the future of the Centre and its mission depends very much on its youth.
As always, the food prepared by Ms. Daniella Toma and her staff was outstanding and generous. Ms. Maria Barkovic, with grace and discipline, kept the program flowing as host, and Mr. Davor Krivacic, Jr. was his usual busy self, keeping various systems functional. He and Mr.Luka Niksic also provided the audience with a pictorial history of the Centre that will remain as a record of activities over the past years.
Mr.Rade Serdarevic, President and Mr. Tony Kranjcevic, Vice President, representing the Board and the many volunteers who contributed greatly to the day provided inspiration to all about the nature of the Centre and what was important to all of us who want to preserve our heritage and contribute not only to the daily lives of Croatians within Calgary, but all Calgarians who seek to live in harmony and to enjoy what a peaceful, multicultural community offers all its citizens.
Mary Valentich, PhD, RSW
30th Anniversary 225x170 30th Anniversary of Croatian Canadian Cultural Centre Calgary

JULY 6, 2014

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mothers Day

If I could give you diamonds
for each tear you cried for me.
if I could five you sapphires
for each truth you’ve helped me see.
If I could give you rubies
for the heartache that you’ve known
If I could give you pearls
for the wisdom that you’ve shown.
Then you’ll have a treasure, mother,
that would mount up to the skies
That would almost match
the sparkle in your kind and loving eyes.
But I have no pearls, no diamonds,
As I’m sure you’re well aware
So I’ll give you gifts more precious
My devotion, love and care.

Dar za Majčin dan
Majčin dan je blagdan u čast majki i majčinstva koji se u većini zemalja obilježava svake godine druge nedjelje u svibnju.
U zapadnom svijetu uspostavljen je u 20. stoljeću.
Majčin dan ima svoje korijene u engleskom i američkom pokretu žena. Amerikanka Ann Maria Reeves Jarvis godine 1865. organizirala je Mothers Day Meetings gdje su majke mogle razmjenjivati ideje o aktualnim pitanjima.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Happy Easter


Happy Easter!! Wishing you all the best this holiday and may it be a great time spent with your friends and family.

Bocce courts Calgary at Croatian Canadian Club Calgary

Bocce courts Calgary at Croatian Canadian Club Calgary
Bocce courts Calgary at Croatian Canadian Club Calgary were designed and finished, somewhere around 2002, and have attracted big interest in Croatian community; competition was organized every year, and was used starting early October to end of the May.

  As always, after 10 years, there were a need to renovate the bocce courts, and were used in the next 2-3 years.

  This year again comes idea of some members to renovate and make more like what Italian club is using, and different rules.
  Renovation lasted more than three weeks, and after all that volunteer work, we were able to finally officially open March 9th, 2014.
   We have two new indoor bocce courts, are available for Open Play, Leagues, Tournaments, Team Building, Birthday Parties and more. now are used every Saturday for amateurs and Sundays for a little better players or professionals.

  If you would like contact us about Party Planning, Tournaments or Leagues, please contact Davor or call us at 403 250 9821.

  My idea here is to create the album of these pictures that were taken during the renovation, to open new lanes and how they originally looked before the last renovation.

Click to open Album (two new indoor bocce courts)

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Member’s Christmas Party

Croatian Canadian Centre, as you already know, is organizing each year Christmas lunch for all our active and social members and friends also for children under 10 years St. Nicholas will bring the gifts.Certainly, we are not forgetting our volunteers’, who work on the bingo and in the Centre, as well we are giving gifts to staff of Croatian Canadian Cultural Centre catering department.
Lunch was in the Great Hall, then later, as always, who wants can implement a good evening in Bar & Game Room, play bocce, billiards, or have a good time on some other way.

For those who want to see, we took a few pictures

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Croatian Language Class - Calgary

Amazing where the time goes by so fast, but already in few days Christmas is here, Croatian language teacher Ana Ratkajec with her class will take a break until after the New Year. They will again continue with the Croatian language classes starting  January 4th, 2014 and it will merge the two classes and continue with one class every Saturday 9:30  to 11:30 in the morning.

For a break, the Croatian Centre served coffee with homemade cakes and strudel.

Board of Croatian Canadian Cultural Centre is wishing Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2014 to teacher Ana and her class.