Saturday, April 19, 2014

Bocce courts Calgary at Croatian Canadian Club Calgary

Bocce courts Calgary at Croatian Canadian Club Calgary
Bocce courts Calgary at Croatian Canadian Club Calgary were designed and finished, somewhere around 2002, and have attracted big interest in Croatian community; competition was organized every year, and was used starting early October to end of the May.

  As always, after 10 years, there were a need to renovate the bocce courts, and were used in the next 2-3 years.

  This year again comes idea of some members to renovate and make more like what Italian club is using, and different rules.
  Renovation lasted more than three weeks, and after all that volunteer work, we were able to finally officially open March 9th, 2014.
   We have two new indoor bocce courts, are available for Open Play, Leagues, Tournaments, Team Building, Birthday Parties and more. now are used every Saturday for amateurs and Sundays for a little better players or professionals.

  If you would like contact us about Party Planning, Tournaments or Leagues, please contact Davor or call us at 403 250 9821.

  My idea here is to create the album of these pictures that were taken during the renovation, to open new lanes and how they originally looked before the last renovation.

Click to open Album (two new indoor bocce courts)

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