Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mothers Day

If I could give you diamonds
for each tear you cried for me.
if I could five you sapphires
for each truth you’ve helped me see.
If I could give you rubies
for the heartache that you’ve known
If I could give you pearls
for the wisdom that you’ve shown.
Then you’ll have a treasure, mother,
that would mount up to the skies
That would almost match
the sparkle in your kind and loving eyes.
But I have no pearls, no diamonds,
As I’m sure you’re well aware
So I’ll give you gifts more precious
My devotion, love and care.

Dar za Majčin dan
Majčin dan je blagdan u čast majki i majčinstva koji se u većini zemalja obilježava svake godine druge nedjelje u svibnju.
U zapadnom svijetu uspostavljen je u 20. stoljeću.
Majčin dan ima svoje korijene u engleskom i američkom pokretu žena. Amerikanka Ann Maria Reeves Jarvis godine 1865. organizirala je Mothers Day Meetings gdje su majke mogle razmjenjivati ideje o aktualnim pitanjima.

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