Sunday, April 28, 2013

Etnička radijo postaja RED 106.7 FM, gdje je i naša Hrvatska Zajednica Calgary dobila da može emitirati Hrvatsku glazbu i vijesti iz zajednice, svake Subote od 9 do 11 sati prije podne.
Prvo emitiranje Hrvatskog programa na 106.7 FM će početi 4. Svibnja 2013 godine u 9 sati prije podne.

Evo što sam ja mogao pronaći o radijo postaji pa pogledajte.

Some of the new Calgary crew doing on-air training!

Some of the new Calgary crew doing on-air training!


Just like the colour red, RED 106.7 FM will be a vibrant ethnic station that will celebrate the ethnic diversity of Calgary.
On May 24, 2012, Multicultural Broadcasting Corporation Inc. received a licence from the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) to operate a new ethnic commercial radio station to serve Calgary. In February 2013, the station is doing on-air tests and will be branded as RED FM.

Red-FM Owner Kulwinder Sanghera Hits Jackpot Again With New Ethnic Radio License In Calgary

CRTC grants license to Surrey-based Red FM station owner Kulwinder Sanghera and his Multicultural Broadcasting Corporation for an ethnic radio station in Calgary ethnic.
By R. Paul Dhillon
SURREY – Canadian Radio-Television Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) has approved an application by Surrey-based Red FM station owner Kulwinder Sanghera and his Multicultural Broadcasting Corporation to operate a multicultural FM radio station in Calgary.In granting the license to MBC, the commission noted that Multicultural Broadcasting Corporation is a well financed and experienced broadcaster whose experience would contribute to its ability to establish itself in the Calgary radio market.Thanking the community, Sanghera said, “We would like to extend our heartfelt congratulations to all those who have supported us in our endeavours to reach out to the ethnic community in Calgary. We promise Calgarians high quality credible local programming relevant to their daily lives, 24 hours a day.”Red FM’s General Manager Bijoy Samuel said, “Our community is our most precious resource and as we look to establishing our presence in Calgary we would like to assure Calgarians that Red FM will always be, by the community and for the community”.Sanghera said Red FM’s mandate in Calgary will not only be to inform, educate, entertain and empower the listeners but the station will help strengthen the community by providing the much needed bridge between the mainstream and the ethnic community.

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